Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I was tagged by Dave and Wa'el. Just as Wae'l and Manal, it's the first time that I get tagged, and guess what! twice in the same day! Does this mean I have to grab 2 books?

So here we go!!

The Tag rules are:

1- Grab the closest book to you.
2-Open Page 123.
3-Scroll down to the 5th sentence.
4-Post the next 3 sentences on your blog.
5-Name the book and author.
6- Tag 3 people.

".. on a Piper Warrior, and straight away I saw the difference between cars and planes; you can stop the car any time and get out, but you have got to land the plane. This called for more than technical..."

The book's name: "My story"
Author: Sarah The Duchess of York

I tag:
1- Sari (I bet he is not going to do it! He doesnt have any books I believe, and if he does, he will be too lazy to do the homework, Just kidding my dear :) )

2- Nada: A very new blogger! Pay her a visit.

3- Lina

4- Hani

And while I'm writing this, I got tagged again by 7ala!!


Anonymous said...

Reem where are you gha6sa ?!:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Reem,

Please send me your email addresses

Jordan Planet